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A Public Health England campaign with the objective of raising parents' awareness of healthy eating and the importance of 
exercising for primary school children.


A very important lesson in how to find the right tone of voice for communicating important information to parents.



Start4Life aims to become the new HUBS for parents from pregnancy to toddlers. We created a quick and engaging way for users to find solutions to everyday problems, from the early stages of pregnancy to getting a balanced diet for toddlers.


A website to provide teachers with lesson plans and resources for assembly. The content will help teachers and headteachers tackle sensible issues in both primary and secondary schools.


We faced the challenge of merging resources for primary and secondary schools, creating a new identity.

My NHS gathers and displays data about the performance of healthcare services around the UK. The primary objective was to make the data accessible for the whole NHS audience, not only for healthcare specialists.


I was also in charge of helping the social media team in promoting the web site on different platforms.

Campaign resource centre

The campaign resource centre for PHE provides local authorities, pharmacies and schools with offline and online resources to promote government campaigns at a local level.


We worked to improve the experience and to create a new system to retrieve feedback from users without slowing their experience on the web site.

As a UX designer and a Scrum Master I managed the work flow for the mobile teams in DXI (now 8x8). We translated the complex agent web applications to work on tablets. Allowing the agents to be able to work on the move was a huge selling point for the company.


Using Scrum methodologies we completed the task, improving the whole experience at the same time. 

Easy Contact Now: Agent app

Speedboat was my first true Agile work and I felt immediately in love with the methodology. I was leading the UX for two different teams that were working on different features of the web application, making sure the design was developed consistently. 


The web application was completed successfully after two years of work, allowing Colt customers to buy, set up and monitor virtual machines anywhere in Europe. 

Colt: dashboard
GSE: green energy

As an art director in NTTDATA I helped the Italian ministry of energy to promote good practices and legal information for business about green energies.


The web site played an important role in the Italian government plan to encourage consumption of energy from eco-friendly sources .


An example of multi-disciplinary work where I was in charge of creating both offline and online resources for the customer.

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